Fury vs McDermott Fight Two
Former English heavyweight title holders Tyson Fury and John McDermott will meet for the second time in 10 months on Friday 25th June, in what will be one of the most eagerly awaited rematches that the UK has seen in recent years. The British Final Eliminator clash between the two heavyweights will take place in front of the Sky Sports HD cameras at the Brentwood Centre, Brentwood.“After discussions and us agreeing to the terms of the fight, contracts were signed and sealed yesterday, so it’s down to serious training for the next 4 weeks” said the Unbeaten Fury. Fury outpointed McDermott in a closely fought contest over 10 rounds back in September when he was crowned the English Champion. “I can’t wait for this one as there was a lot of controversy surrounding my win in September last year, but it wasn’t a 100% Tyson who won on that night. It was my first 10 rounder and maybe I wasn’t prepared for a war as much as I should have been, but I will make sure no stone is left unturned this time”.“McDermott gained my respect that night for being one hell of a tough fighter”. Added Fury. Fury recorded his 10th consecutive win against German Hans-Joerg Blasko back in March when the referee jumped in and stopped the contest after knocking his opponent to the floor twice in the 1st round. "I got caught with a couple of silly shots that night against Blasko which was frustrating but we've been working hard on improving my defence, but what people have to remember is that I am still only 21, I still have a lot to learn and one of the things that the McDermott fight has taught me was not to underestimate my opponents, but I still believe I done enough against him to win on the night” Mick Hennessy Said: “Due to a delay with the licence application, the new Manchester venue did not receive approval in reasonable time, so promoting this great event would have been very difficult in such a short space of time. So we applied to the board for an extension for the contest to take place on the 17th July, but this request was rejected. So Tyson and myself have agreed to the terms and the new date in the spirit of getting this fight on so Tyson can set the record straight once and for all and then move on”.Fury added “John showed that night he is one of the best heavyweights in Britain apart from me and David Haye. John would beat the likes of Chisora or Harrison if he had the opportunity.” “We will both have earned it so Win, Lose or Draw I hope John will join me for a Big Mac and fries after the fight, my shout”
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